Hi guys, i am Glen Sebastian. You call me Glen. I am an IT colleger of Bina Nusantara University :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Goodbye RF Diablo, Welcome RF Stylus (Accretia)

Hi again guys :D I'm little bit sad from two days ago to right now, because RF Diablo's server + forum was closed forever. Many moments are recorded in my mind. From the beginning when i started to play as an Accretian, do the "hell" leveling (because the experience point is very very little), become the council and the guild's committee for the first time, until the very last of my war. Goodbye RF Diablo and hopefully i can meet all of real members of Accretias :'(

OKAY!! Now, after the RF Diablo was closed three days ago, i play RF Stylus :) Stylus's rules are very different and more challenging. Because there is so many items that can be bought. Very different and very complete than RF Diablo.

The other reason that i start to like this RF because the armor and also the weapon design's are very cool  >__<  They're called the Dragon Armor (look at the bottom). And luckily i become the member of the honored guild, ™GooDOfWarrioR™. Ah, i forgot to tell you guys about the honored guild. The honored guild is the guild that have a trusted from the Race Leader, so basically the guild that was confirmed as the honored guild, is the one of the strong guilds in RF. There are five types of the honored guild, they are: Imperial, Superior, Hero, Elite, Special. But, unfortunately, RF Stylus only has four types of the honored guild: ImperialSuperior, Hero, Elite.

Now, i want to show you my new Accretia :) Still use the same nickname, Sokazama

Cool~ Dragon Armor :3 He looks so stylish ^__^"a
With the Stylus Titan Fist

Superior~ Like Mario Teguh~ XDD

War for Glory......

Candid camera with the member of the Hero guild :3

Second candid with the member of Imperial guild  :3

Now i will show you the design of Dragon Armor from the various views

From the back side

From the left side

From the right side

From the Front side

Close up. "Hey Fella, wanna feel my power?" LOL

Finally..... That's only one character that i have made and do the leveling from 7.00 a.m until 1.00 p.m. Coming soon for the other races (Cora and Bellato) :)  Hope you guys enjoy my new post, and as always, have a nice day ^_^

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Accretia's Album on RF Diablo

Welcome back again guys! Wanna uploaded my beloved accretia's char, Sokazama :) Truly, i have five chars of Accretias in RF Diablo. They are Sokazama, RobotGALAU, ChibiChibi, VladimirSvetsky, and DimitarBerbatov.

ChibiChibi (Specialist - Engineer - Scientist)


Cute enough for the Scientist's name :p

My +7 upgrade of The End

My +7 upgrade of Vengeance

DimitarBerbatov (Ranger - Gunner - Striker)

Have a pose at Outcast Map :p

And also with his +7 of Cerberus :P 

VladimirSvetsky (Warrior - Destroyer - Punisher)

Attack Mode

Defense Mode 

Main Weapon, +7 of Man Eater

Don't worry, still have the +7 of Armor Killer :p

My +7 of Izen Ritter 

RobotGALAU (Ranger - Gunner - Striker)

Burn Burn Burn!!!!! LOL~ XD

With my Level 55 of PvP Point's Weapon, Superior Death Scream

With my Ephocal Siege Kit Attack Mode 

With my Fire Lecas Siege Kit

With my Advance Fire Shining Siege Kit 

Sokazama (Warrior - Gladius - Mercenary)

When i become the Support Team :)

When i become the Defense Team :) 

With the elder of Accretia Diablo, ATOM :D 

le me, Rank 4th in RF Diablo for Accretia race ^_^v

My beloved guild, ExAthenZ. Accretia Diablo's Guild Rank = 1st ^_^v

My armors, all of the part = Strength Superior Dark Beam +7 of Favor Talic 

Oops, don't forget about the Darkness and Grace Talic too :p

My Glorious weapon, +7 of Soul Eater :)

+7 of Superior Titan Fist 

My moments with ExAthenZ Guild Master and Members :) 

Trident of ExAthenZ (Sloth, Sokazama, Aeore)

Coming soon for the Bellato's and Cora's album :) . Thanks for enjoying my Accretia's album, have a nice day :D 

Blog, Here i come~

Huahhh, finally i started to use blog from blogger.com from my Google+ account :) Truly, i don't know all the things about blog, so I want to learn it so far and gradually to understand how to use blog.